Everybody Calm Down! This Is NOT 2008

Last week realtor.com released the results of a survey that produced three major revelations: 53% of home purchasers (first-time and repeat buyers) currently in the market believe a recession will occur this year or next. 57% believe the next recession will be as bad or worse than 2008. 55% said they would cancel plans to move if a recession occurred. Since we are currently … Read More

A Recession Does Not Equal a Housing Crisis [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights: There is plenty of talk in the media about a pending economic slowdown. The good news is, home values actually increased in 3 of the last 5 U.S. recessions, and decreased by less than 2% in the 4th. Many experts predict a potential recession is on the horizon. However, housing will not be the trigger, and home values will still … Read More

How to Judge the Impact of the Next Economic Slowdown on Housing

We’ve experienced economic growth for almost a decade, which is the longest recovery in the nation’s history. Experts know a recession can’t be too far off, but when will this economic slowdown actually occur? Pulsenomics just released a special report revealing that nearly 6 out of 10 of the 90 economists, investment strategists, and market analysts surveyed believe the next recession will occur … Read More